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Host Disciplining

Host Disciplining allows an NTP input reference to discipline NetClock's oscillator. This may be utilized e.g., with NetClock units that do not have a GPS receiver because they are operated as Stratum 2 servers.

In general, it is advisable to enable Host Disciplining only if needed, and to use it only in robust networks/NTP environments.

Note that Host Disciplining is NOT supported by NetClock or SecureSync units equipped with a Rubidium oscillator.

  • ON: When Host Disciplining is ON, the NTP reference is used to discipline NetClock's oscillator, thus providing more stable oscillator performance.

  • OFF [default setting]: When OFF, NTP synchronization is not disciplining the oscillator, only a time transfer is made in regular intervals to manually correct the system time.

    While disabled Host Disciplining does not offer the benefit of a disciplined oscillator when transitioning into or out of holdover, NetClock on the other hand will not be susceptible to disciplining errors caused by network traffic or NTP-related issues.

Enabling Host Disciplining

In order for Host Disciplining to work, you must have enabled NTP, and you must have configured an NTP Peer or Server, i.e. NetClock is running as an NTP Stratum 2 server.

To enable Host Disciplining:

  1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > NETWORK: NTP Setup.
  2. In the NTP Services panel, click the GEAR icon. The Edit NTP Services window will display:

  3. Under the Stratum 1 tab:
    • enable Stratum 1 Operation (this allows System holdover if GPS and the NTP servers happen to become unavailable for a period of time)
    • disable Prefer Stratum 1
    • disable Stratum 1 1PPS, and click Submit.

    (The NTP Status Summary panel in the NTP Setup screen should now display Stratum 2. For additional information, see Configuring "NTP Stratum Synchronization".)

  4. Under the Host Ref tab, enable Host Disciplining, and click Submit. You do NOT have to stop and re-start the NTP Service; NetClock will do this for you.