Troubleshooting – Network PCs Cannot Sync

In order for clients on the network to be able to sync to VersaSync, several requirements must be met:

  1. The PC(s) must be routable to VersaSync. Make sure you can access VersaSync Web UI from a PC that is not syncing. If the PC cannot access the Web UI, a network issue likely exists. Verify the network configuration.
  2. The network clients have to be configured to synchronize to VersaSync's address. For additional information on syncing Windows PC's, see The last section of this document also contains troubleshooting assistance for Windows synchronization. For UNIX/Linux computer synchronization, please visit
  3. If at least one PC can sync to VersaSync, the issue is likely not with VersaSync itself. The only VersaSync configurations that can prevent certain PCs from syncing to the time server are the NTP Access table and MD5 authentication. See Configuring NTP Symmetric Keys. A network or PC issue likely exists. A firewall may be blocking Port 123 (NTP traffic), for example.
  4. NTP in VersaSync must be “in sync” and at a higher Stratum level than Stratum 15 (such as Stratum 1 or 2, for example). This requires VersaSync to be either synced to its input references or in Holdover mode. Verify the current NTP stratum level and the sync status.