Network Ports

Ports act as communication endpoints in a network. The hardware configuration of your unit will determine which ports (e.g., Eth0, Eth1, ...) are available for use.

To enable & configure, or view a network port:

  1. Navigate to MANAGEMENT > NETWORK: Network Setup.
  2. The Ports panel on the right side of the screen lists the available Ethernet ports, and their connection STATUS:

    • Green: CONNECTED (showing the connection speed)
    • Yellow: CABLE UNPLUGGED (the port is enabled but there is no cable attached)
    • Red: DISABLED.

      Locate the port you want to configure (eth0 or eth1) and click the GEAR button to enable & configure the port, or the INFO button to view the port status.

  3. Ethernet ports are enabled by default. If the port is not already enabled, in the Edit Ethernet Ports Settings window, click the Enable check box. The Edit Ethernet Ports Settings window will expand to show the options needed to complete the port setup.
  4. Fill in the fields as required:

    • Enable eth0: [Checkbox]
    • Enable DHCPv4: [Checkbox] Check this box to enable the delivery of IP addresses from a DHCP Server using the DHCPv4 protocol.
    • Static IPv4 Address: This is the default, or the unique address assigned by the network administrator.

      Default IP addresses

      ETH portDefault IP address

      The default subnet is:

    • Netmask: This is the network subnet mask assigned by the network administrator. In the form “” See Subnet Mask Values for a list of subnet mask values.
    • IPv4 Gateway: The gateway (default router) address is needed if communication to the VersaSync is made outside of the local network. By default, the gateway is disabled.
    • IPv6 Auto Configuration: Choose between Disabled (disable auto configuration), Auto (stateless auto configuration using SLAAC and DHCP), and Stateful (auto configuration using DHCP only).
    • Domain: This is the domain name to be associated with this port.
    • DNS Primary: This is the primary DNS address to be used for this port. Depending on how your DHCP server is configured, this is set automatically once DHCP is enabled. Alternatively, you may configure your DHCP server to NOT use a DNS address. When DHCP is disabled, DNS Primary is set manually, using the format "#.#.#.#" with no leading zeroes or spaces, where each ‘#’ is a decimal integer from the range [0,255].
    • DNS Secondary: This is the secondary DNS address to be used for this port. Depending on how your DHCP server is configured, this is set automatically once DHCP is enabled, or your DHCP server may be configured NOT to set a DNS address. When DHCP is disabled, DNS Secondary is set manually, using the format “#.#.#.#” with no leading zeroes or spaces, where each ‘#’ is a decimal integer from the range [0,255].

  5. To apply your changes, click Submit (the window will close), or Apply.