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CLI Commands

NetClock features a suite of command-line interface (CLI) commands that can be used to configure parameters and retrieve status information or log files via a remote connection, using the telnet or ssh (if enabled) protocol.

This section includes a list of some of the supported commands.


  1. The command “helpcli” will provide a list of all available commands and their syntax (Note: Typing “help” will output bash shell help only and will not provide useful information).
  2. You can scroll up or scroll down through the output by using the Page Up/Page down keys, or the arrow keys.
  3. Type “q” (lower-case) to quit.
  4. Pressing the up/down keys scrolls through previously typed commands.
  5. Commands need to be typed in all lower-case letters.
  6. Where eth0 is the base network port and eth1 (and higher) are used with the optional Gigabit Ethernet module for multiple network interfaces.
  7. User accounts with “user” group permissions can perform “get” commands but cannot perform any “set” commands or change/reset passwords. Only user accounts with “admin” group permissions can perform “set” commands or change/reset password. Refer to Adding/Deleting/Changing User Accounts for user account setup information.
Command Description
clean Restores NetClock configuration, logs, and stats to factory defaults and reboots
cleanhalt Restores NetClock configuration to factory defaults and halts
clearlogs Clears all logs
clearstats Clears all statistical data (NTP, and oscillator/disciplining)
dateget Displays current date (for example, 15 APR 2015)
dateset Used to set the current date
defcert Used to create a new Spectracom self-signed SSL certificate for HTTPS in case of expiration of the original certificate
dhcp4get Displays whether DHCP is enabled
dhcp4set Used to enable or disable DHCP
dns4get Displays the configured DNS servers
dns4set Used to configure the DNS servers
dhcp6get Displays whether DHCPv6 is enabled
dhcp6set Used to enable or disable DHCPv6
doyget Used to obtain the current Day of Year
doyset Used to set the current Day of Year
gpsdop Displays GNSS receiver positional accuracy estimates
gpsdserviceportget Displays the GPSD service port
gpsdserviceportset Sets the GPSD service port
gpsinfo Applicable to SAASM-equipped NetClock units only
gpsloc Displays GNSS latitude, longitude and antenna height
gpsmdl Displays the GNSS Manufacturer and Model
gpsreset Resets the GNSS Position stored in the unit.
gpssat Displays GNSS satellites tracked and maximum signal strength being received
gw4get Displays the default IPv4 gateway
gw4set Used to configure the IPv4 gateway addresses
gw6get Displays the default IPv6 gateway address
gw6set Used to configure the IPv6 gateway address
halt Used to Halt the system for shutdown
helpcli Provides list of available commands and syntax
hostget Displays the DNS hostname
hostset Sets the DNS hostname
hotstart Initiate a hot start operation on the SAASM GPS receiver
ip4get Displays IPv4 Ethernet port information (IP address net mask and gateway)
ip4set Used to set IPv4 Ethernet port information (IP address net mask and gateway)
ip6add Used to add IPv6 Ethernet port information (IP address net mask and gateway)
ip6del Used to delete IPv6 IP address
ip6get Used to obtain the IPv6 IP address
iptables See Network Services for more information.
licenses Displays configured licenses installed (if any)
list Outputs a list of commands
loadconf Restore a saved configuration and reboot
localget Used to obtain the configured local clock
locallist Used to display local clocks
localset Used to configure local clocks
manifest See a list of all files
model Displays the Serial Number of the unit
net Displays network settings
netnum Displays the number of general-purpose network interfaces
net4 Displays IPv4 network settings
net6 Displays IPv6 network settings
options Displays configured options installed (if any)
oscget Displays the installed system oscillator
portget Display whether network port is enabled (for example, "portget ETH2")
portset Enable or disable a network port:
"portset x on" where "x" is the port number (for example, "ETH2")
"portset X off"
[NOTE: Available since Web UI Revision no. 5.1.2]
portstate Display the current state for a network port
ppsctrl Enable/disable individual 1PPS output signals
priorset Sets the priority of an entry in the reference priority table
radius setretry <value> Sets how many radius login retries will be attempted
radius getretry <value> Gets the number of radius login retry attempts
radius server list Lists radius servers
radius server add <host> <port> <key> <timeout>
Adds radius server
radius server del <id> Deletes radius server number <id>
reboot Used to warm-boot the unit without having to disconnect or reconnect power
reftable Displays reference priority table
release4 Used with DHCP to release the IPv4 address
release6 Used with DHCPv6 to release the IPv6 address
renew4 Used with DHCP to renew the assigned IPv4 address
renew6 Used with DHCPv6 to renew the assigned IPv6 address
resetpw Resets the administrator account (spadmin) password back to the default value “admin123
routes4 Displays the current IPv4 routing table(s)
routes6 Displays the current IPv6 routing table(s)
rt4add Adds an IPv4 static route
rt4del Deletes an IPv4 static route
rt4get Displays the configured IPv4 static routes
rt6add Adds an IPv6 static route
rt6del Deletes an IPv6 static route
rt6get Displays the configured IPv6 static routes
saveconf Generate archive of current configuration
savelog Generate archive of all log files
scaleget Displays configured system timescale
scaleset Used to configure the system timescale
sendtrap Triggers one type of a possible set of alarms.
sendtrap all Sends one instance of all alarms
services Displays the state of services (enabled/disabled)
servget Displays the state of individual services
servset Enable or disable specific services
slaacget Displays whether SLAAC is enabled
slaacset Used to enable or disable SLAAC
stateset Enable or disable an entry in the reference priority table. index = 0...15. state = 0 (disable), 1 (enable)
status Displays information about the oscillator disciplining
swupgrade Performs system upgrade using the update bundle provided
syncstate Display timing system synchronization state
testevent Generates SNMP events in the enterprise MIB
tfomget Displays current estimated system time error (TFOM – Time Figure of Merit)
timeget Displays current system time (time is displayed in the configured timescale – See scaleget command to retrieve the configured timescale)
timeset Used to manually set the current time (hours, minutes in seconds); time is entered based on the configured timescale – See scaleget command to retrieve the configured timescale
unrestrict Used for clearing access control restrictions to NetClock
version Displays the installed main NetClock and timing system software versions
yearget Displays the current year
yearset Used to set the current year
zeroize Applicable to SAASM-equipped NetClock units only